"Inspirational Music"

"Powerful Words"

"Motivational Message"

A Personal Message From Michael Fancher

Firstly, I’d like to start by saying “thank you.”

Being considered to serve the audience at your next event is a huge privilege and I am excited by the possibility of us working together!

We put this page together to assist you in your decision-making process and provide you with the info you need to help your selection.

My entire philosophy is to be a great human to work with, inspire and educate your audience, over-deliver on value and make your life as easy as possible.

So, have a read through, and get a feel for how we can work together.

All the best,


"How do you stay DRIVEN in a world full of distractions and take ACTION when you're always so tired?"


BIG reasons that people

LOVE Mike's Messages



Helping individuals learn about and understand their relationship with technology, and the subsequent effects that dopamine may have on their human performance is the mission of DRIVEN!



Inspiration is often the catalyst of change and progress! Mike works to inspire through real life experiences and powerful stories that pushes individuals to develop Stronger Minds and Smarter Bodies!



Mike gives individuals real tools to take on their own challenges and obstacles may be holding them back from achieving their dreams!



Mike's motivational presentations are both an age and experience appropriate presentation that is both professional and engaging!



With over 15 years of speaking in public settings, Mike captivates audiences and helps them become the best version of themself!



The combination of motivational music, powerful words, and educational stories provides an immersive experience like no other!

The DRIVEN Series of Motivational Experiences!

"POWER IN THE PIVOT" is a transformative keynote speech designed to empower and uplift individuals navigating through life's toughest challenges. This speech is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the incredible strength that comes from embracing change. Through the lens of the "Four P's" - PURPOSE, PAIN, PURSUIT AND PIVOT - this presentation dives deep into the journey of overcoming adversity and harnessing the power of pivoting in life.

Michael shares his personal story, marked by a series of formidable challenges and breathtaking rebounds. From surviving a near-fatal car accident at the age of 17 to undergoing a total hip replacement at the young age of 22, forcing a career change; from the loss of a job due to legislative changes to the heartbreak of closing a business during the Covid-19 pandemic. Yet, amidst these trials, Michael's story is one of triumph - becoming a 2-time top-selling author, launching a globally ranked podcast within the top 1% worldwide, and more.

This speech is crafted to inspire attendees to not only endure their hardships but to view their struggles through a lens of opportunity. It emphasizes the significance of reevaluating one’s path in the face of obstacles, finding renewed purpose, and thriving on a new path. "POWER IN THE PIVOT" is a powerful reminder that even in our darkest times, there lies an incredible opportunity for growth, reinvention, and success.

Perfect for anyone at a crossroads or facing significant life changes, this speech will motivate you to push through hardship, reassess your surroundings, and emerge stronger and more focused on your journey to greatness. Prepare to be inspired to pivot towards your most fulfilling life.

In a world brimming with distractions, staying focused on your goals has never been more challenging. TAKE YOUR LIFE BACK is a motivational speech tailored for both students and professionals who seek to reignite their passion and maintain their drive towards achieving their dreams. This inspiring presentation delves into the profound impact of social media on our daily lives, highlighting its effect on our dopamine levels and how it can derail us from our true objectives.

TAKE YOUR LIFE BACK is not just a speech; it's an educational journey, an immersive experience that blends compelling insights with the power of music to touch the heart and soul. It offers practical strategies for overcoming digital distractions, fostering self-discipline, and enhancing productivity in both personal and professional realms. Attendees will leave armed with the knowledge and motivation to harness their inner drive, resist the allure of fleeting pleasures, and stay steadfast on the path to success.

TAKE YOUR LIFE BACK serves as a powerful reminder that, despite the noise of the world, we can choose to stay focused, move forward, and achieve greatness. Prepare to be inspired, educated, and deeply moved as you embark on a journey to rediscover what truly drives you.

Ready To Take The Next Step and Work with Michael?

  • Speaking fees vary based on location and audience, let's connect to discuss!

  • Stage requirements are flexible. We can discuss that on an exploratory call!

  • Click the button below and then fill out the request for information form and we will get back to you ASAP!

  • Be excited! We already are and we haven't even had a discussion yet!